Friday, April 15, 2011

England's Graeme Swann warns of player burnout at top level

The England spinner Graeme Swann fears that international cricketers are in danger of suffering burnout, because of the amount of cricket being played.

The number of matches staged at the top level of the sport has been debated for several years. The England and Wales Cricket Board chief selector, Geoff Miller, recently said there was too much cricket, leaving players too little time for rest and recuperation. The England off-spinner echoed Miller's comments.

"We do play too much cricket," Swann said. "There are a lot of games that don't really matter at the end of the day and that even the fans aren't that bothered about. It needs looking at but it is still the best job in the world, as we get to travel around playing cricket. But I am glad I am not a fast bowler, put it that way. Poor old Stuart Broad missed out half the Ashes and the World Cup [having suffered a side strain, illness and a broken rib] because there was too much cricket played, so it is a shame for guys like that.

"It is physically a lot more demanding on the bowlers. Your body cannot physically stand being pounded every day. Your spine gives way and your stomach gives way after a while. For batters, it is a walk in the park. If ever there is a batter that complains about burnout they should be shot.

"I am sure it will be looked at in the future but for the minute we just need to turn up and keep playing. Besides, I've just had a kid so I get no sleep at home at the minute, so I'd rather be on tour. I get more rest there."

The Nottinghamshire player added: "Tours are long but we do get periods when families come out, which is great. In an ideal world [tours] would not be as long but I don't think there are any ways around it. I think the main thing is that after the tour there should be a brief period of respite at home. After the Ashes we had two days at home and then we were off to India [for the World Cup], which was unfortunate, but scheduling that is the only way it could work."

View the original article here

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